Even the DVS is outdone by other poison weapons/the Obsidian Edge. I generally don't understand why the devs put so much effort into making such an awesome sword visually (WHB), but didn't give it the ability to deal with enemies nearly as close as other 5* weapons.
It would take about 3 full combos (5 swings+5wolver ghosts each) to kill some monsters while teammates were taking out in max 1.5 combos (3-hit swords). I recently equipped a different shield and basically lost that ability, along with a majority of my damage in Elite T2- T3 was just the worst. I main WHB with the BTS, and that brings up my damage high enough that I can interrupt with charges up to when playing with 3 players (on most monsters- not all).
By no means am I a worthless asset to a team either, I know how to push enemies around on the map to set up for a team beating, I also have other weapons that help as a support role (ex: crowd control). I main the cutter series, (CTR:VH, ASI: H) it's a very fun weapon and the WHB looks f***ing badass! I love "dancing" around enemies, and literally have mained the weapon since my first set of 5* gear (I started 2 months after release of this game- the good old days, mist, 2k for 100ce- yeah CE, and none of this forge stuff). To successfully, and safely use them you basically have to use the first 2-3 strikes and shield- in comparison to many other 3-combo weapons interrupting and allowing you to do a second combo. They're pretty terrible considering you can't really use their full combo without taking damage at EliteT2/ and overall T3.

Why isn't the spur line finished? Again, effort put in to making an awesome weapon, yet unfinished.

UPDATE 2: Some grammar/word choice changes, also added in a more specific poison cloud idea/status description for the status section. UPDATE 1: includes a remix of this thread and the one the mentioned

Feel free to read the past one, but this one is organized better. It was well received, yet this one got a bit less hopeful attention. I've made a more detailed thread in the past, and reserve this post to add more to it later if there is large discussion on it.