As such, great whites should never openly be hunted they are rare and precious and protected by law in many places around the world. Of course these are wild, untamed animals and should be treated with the enormous respect they deserve. To those that know them intimately they have distinct personalities each with unique behaviors (see The Devil’s Teeth for a good read and some great examples).
#Monsters of the deep blue shark full
But once they decide to attack they transform into a steamroller of aggression, launching themselves at Polaris missile speeds with their jaws wide open, sometimes flying completely out of the water in full attack mode. Before attacking they will make several inqusitive passes at their prey, eyeing them for good attack angles, bumping to check reactions. But among sharks they are surprisingly unique at times they can be shy, almost gentle. Second, and most importantly, the only thing monstrous about great whites is their size: they can be one massive fish. Of course there has been a lot of attention on Megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon) which may have reached lengths of up to 60 ft., but they have been extinct for several million years. No, most are interested in the top predators, the ones that occasionally eat people, and that is clearly the great white ( Carcharodon carcharias). However, since these are gentle plankton-munching giants most people don’t focus on their huge size. That distinction belongs to whale sharks (40+ feet) and basking sharks (30+ feet). First of all let’s get something straight: Great white sharks are not the biggest shark in the ocean.